120D-09 Air Operated Drum Pump Lubricator

Air-operated Drum Pump Lubricator. The l20D-09 lubricator is an air-operated volume pump which clamps directly to a l20lb. (16 gallon) open top refinery drum.


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Air-operated Drum Pump Lubricator. The l20D-09 lubricator is an air-operated volume pump which clamps directly to a l20lb. (16 gallon) open top refinery drum. The 120D-09 lubricator features a 70:1 ratio pressure pump with a sealed-in air motor. Maximum air inlet pressureo f 185p .s.i.m ay be used, but recommendedin let pressureo f 100t o 150p .s.i. gives optimum operating range. A follower plate assuresp ositive priming of lubricantsu p to NLGI 4.


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